Friday, March 2, 2012

Just the Lonely Boy...

Daniel Randolph Humphrey is the Brooklyn boy. He likes to read, write, and is a very cute boyfriend as I can see. At the beginning he was known to be dating S, but as I predicted, opposites can't be together for much time, they went through a though break up, this relationship marked both of their lives. He never really liked B, but in the past few weeks, he's being close to her, I assure you they have a relationship they don't want the world to know about, but as your's truly, it's my work to make this little secrets come to life. Dan is known to be clever, witty and patient; he works hard for what he wants and normally achieves his goals. He secretly still has a desire to be on the "inside" of the elites' social circle but does not reveal that to anyone in fear of becoming an even greater outcast. Isn't he LONELY.
XOXO Gossip Girl

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